Community Gathering
I hope The Maze, as a quasiperiodic puzzle, is something you can play when you're alone, with friends, after exercising, near studying, and without advertisements, signing up, sharing data, or internet and will become a wellness habit groups people use in their daily routine and openly discuss. Eventually I will make a multiplayer mode for more direct interpersonal gameplay. This trend can be on college campuses, at coffee shops, or on your couch meditating. As detailed above, I hope to initially connect communities in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, conceptually implementing the hyperbolic, triangular diagram which describes the relationships between your mind and body, your social microcosm, and global society.
Golden ENterprise Hypergraph
Currently I have made a digital hypergraph (set of digital websites) to accommodate communication between players and anyone else interested. These consist of a research blog, and art blog, our home website, and an Instagram and Facebook page. They detail the other solutions and their development by Golden Enterprises. Follow along, share your creations, let me know you think, and we can collaborate!
The Maze by Golden Enterprises

The Focus Calendar Connection
The Focus Calendar and The Maze can use The Uniformization theorem to connect people digitally, and one day biologically, and in analogue. The Focus Calendar is a time-invariant calendar, or quasiperiodic model of an organism, but is an unfinished application I plan to complete soon. It extends the Connectivity from playing The Maze to your general physiology and neurology via mood, thought, and habit tracking. It will allow for more easily identifiable harmony detection in your own mind and amongst society.